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Add Meta Tags to Blogger (blogspot) blogs for Better SEO

Adding meta tags you can get get more traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,msn,etc,especially the meta description is the most important one.Meta tags allows search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words,Meta tags communicate with the search engines and tells more information about your site and make it index correctly and accurately.

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  • Meta search tags may not be as popular as they once were, but they are still important. Especially if you are running a website or blog and want to make sure that search engines can easily find your site and give it a good indexing. Though it's true that meta search tags are not the only factor in high search engine optimization, they still play a vital role. However, many people who utilize a Blogger blog find it difficult to add meta search tags.Here's how to add them to your Blogger blog.

    1.Sign in to your blogger dashboard-->click the 'Design' button[see the screenshot below]

    3.Find this code:
    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

    4.Now add below code just after the above code.Look at below:

    <meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>


    DESCRIPTION HERE:Write your blog description
    KEYWORDS:Write the keywords of your blog
    AUTHOR NAME:Write the author's name(Your name)

    Now click Save Template